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2023 celebrates the 50th anniversary of Picasso´s death with events all over the world.

2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the death of one of the most important

Spanish and universal artists of all time, Pablo Ruiz Picasso, a genius born in

Malaga at the beginning of the 20th century.

Picasso is, perhaps, best known for his cubist work. After all, he and French

artist Georges Braque co-founded the art movement of Cubism in 1909.

Picasso was also known for numerous artwork:  147.800 art pieces: 13.500

paintings, 100.000 prints and engravings, 300 sculptures and ceramics, and

34.000 illustrations.

Spain and France, the two most important countries of his life, have therefore

organized many events to celebrate this important anniversary.

On September 12th 2022, there wa

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